In this research work we will try to analyze the novel Derrumbe, by Ricardo Menéndez Salmón, with the purpose of knowing the literary thought of an author whose work continues to be little studied. In addition, we will try to know how he reflects his philosophical worldview in this narrative. But, our main objective is focused on showing in this work the different facets of Evil. Therefore, we will expose the opinions of theorists on the crime detective novel, in order to know to what extent the noir genre has a great presence in this work narrative. Likewise, we will aspire to give an answer to these questions: Are features of the social novel presented in Derrumbe? or Is it a crime novel? For the elaboration of this analytical study we will applay the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, Sigmund Freud, H. P. Lovecraft, Tzvetan Todorov and Herbert Marcuse, among others.
Ahmed, S. (2021). Crueldad, violencia y canibalismo en Derrumbe, de Ricardo Menéndez Salmón. Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(4), 66-82. doi: 10.21608/tjhss.2021.76127.1045
Salwa Mahmoud Ahmed. "Crueldad, violencia y canibalismo en Derrumbe, de Ricardo Menéndez Salmón", Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 4, 2021, 66-82. doi: 10.21608/tjhss.2021.76127.1045
Ahmed, S. (2021). 'Crueldad, violencia y canibalismo en Derrumbe, de Ricardo Menéndez Salmón', Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(4), pp. 66-82. doi: 10.21608/tjhss.2021.76127.1045
Ahmed, S. Crueldad, violencia y canibalismo en Derrumbe, de Ricardo Menéndez Salmón. Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021; 1(4): 66-82. doi: 10.21608/tjhss.2021.76127.1045